Francisco Sepulveda was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1977. In 1996, he entered the School of Fine Arts at P.U.C. Santiago, and in 1999 he joined the Wilfredo Lam Experimental Printmaking Workshop in Santiago. In 2012, he studied lithography with Raynald Métraux in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2016, he studied lithography with Mark Attwood in White River, South Africa. Since 2020, he has been an active member of the Contemporary Printmaking Workshop in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a member of the Fondation Taylor in Paris and the ADAGP (Society of Authors in Graphic and Plastic Arts), Paris.
Solo Exhibitions (selected)
- Art Paris – Grand Palais – Paris
- Altro Mondo Arte Contemporanea, Manila, Philippines (catalog)
- Alquimias do Amor, Fundação Fernando Leite Couto, Maputo, Mozambique (catalog)
- Fondation Taylor – Grand Prix de Peinture Jean-Roche Sauer – Raphaël-Sennelier, Paris (catalog)
- Machitun, Galerie Salon Vert, Geneva, Switzerland (catalog)
- Le Grand Voyage, Galerie Claudine Legrand, Paris
- Alchimie d'Amour, Galerie Rasmus, Odense, Denmark
- Naujoji Klaipedos, Galerie Klaipeda, Lithuania
- Le Bras d’Orphée, Galerie du Château, Renens, Switzerland
- Spërl Galerie, Potsdam, Germany
- Mfine Arts Gallery, Boston, USA
Group Exhibitions (selected)
- Manila Bang Art Fair, represented by Galerie Altro Mondo, Philippines
- Art Vilnius Art Fair, Lithuania, represented by Louise Gallery, Durbuy, Belgium
- Art Herning Art Fair, represented by Galerie Rasmus, Denmark
- Galerie Le Salon Vert, Geneva, Switzerland
- Galerie Christel Wagner, Frankfurt, Germany
- Entre Terre et Ciel, Galerie Salon Vert, Geneva, Switzerland
- Vilnius Art Fair, represented by Galerie Menus Tiltas, Lithuania
- Still Leaves, Galerie Salon Vert, Geneva, Switzerland
- Louise Gallery, Durbuy, Belgium
- Galerie Christel Wagner, Frankfurt, Germany
- Galerie Chantal Mélanson, Tarascon
- Coexister, Galerie Capazza, Nançay (catalog)
- Musée d’art Zemaiciu, Plunge, Lithuania
- Musée de la Peinture Nouvelle, Parnu, Estonia
- Galerie Espora, Santiago, Chile
Public Collections
- Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Ciudad de México
- New York Public Library, New York, USA
- Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Brussels
- Graphische Sammlung der ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
- Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid
- Instituto Cervantes, Lyon, France
- IAGO Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca, Mexico
- Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
- Museo Nacional del Grabado, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Musée du Dessin et de la Gravure Originale, Gravelines, France
- BNP Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris
- Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya -Barcelona, Spain
- Musée Ceres Franco -Montolieu, France